A new year of potential

Another year has passed on by.  I must now get in the habit of saying “this year”, instead of “next year”.  Somehow everything seems a little more immediate and present with the flipping of a page on the calendar.

Looking back on 2014 it was one of my favourite years yet and I am grateful.  It was a year filled with many precious moments.  I’m not saying it was a perfect year – there probably isn’t such a thing if one looks deep enough.  And do we always want or need perfection, probably not.  There are always losses that present themselves in one form or another; the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a job, the list goes on. With these losses there is also the ever present potential for reflection, growth, appreciation and our choice to still find happiness in the world around us.

I choose happiness for 2015, as anything else lessens my intention.  As I gaze forward to what this new year will mean to me, I am excited by the opportunities that await.  I will continue to foster my friendships, enjoy my work, give to my community, love my family,  and look after myself physically and emotionally.  I will challenge myself to step outside old comfort zones and towards adventures that scare me,  just a little.  To me this is living and what is important if I am to finish my days with minimal regrets.  Cheers to 2015!