Boots (check), Backpack (check), Warm Jacket (check)

And so why am I still sitting here?  I guess it’s because I’ve made a commitment to enter the world of blogging and therefore must be a dedicated producer of thoughts and words.  So for today I will not be allowing myself to go outside and play until the blog is published for all of my loyal followers. I think there may be as many as 5 of you now, altho I could be out by 1 or 2.  In any case, here I am and all I really want to do is stuff my feet into my brand new hiking boots, load up my pack to a tenth of my body weight, grab my jacket and head out into the sunshine that has patiently been waiting.

It is now December and I have about 5 months to go before my solo adventure on the Portuguese Camino.  Slowly over the last year I have been thinking, reading, and at last planning the logistics of how this will take place. There have been many details to figure out such as:  when will I travel, which route will I travel, will I travel on my own, how long will I need, what will I need, and of course when will I begin my training.  All these questions have found answers.  I will travel in early May 2015, I will walk the Portuguese route, I will travel on my own, I will need 3-4 weeks to complete the route, I have a pretty good idea of what I will need thanks to the many other pilgrims that have posted their packing lists.  As for when the training begins, well that’s easy, it begins today!  As soon as I get my blog finished and posted of course.

I sit here gazing towards the door where my backpack and boots have patiently been waiting all morning.  If they could speak I know they would say, ” Hurry up and get that thing posted already, we wanna go!”  Well who am I to argue with a pair of kick ass boots and a purple pack.  Off I go then – day one of many. Let the training begin!